21st Century Learning

Battelle for Kids P21 Framework for 21st Century Skills

The Battelle for Kids P21 Framework for 21st Century Skills is a framework designed to help practitioners integrate 21st century skills into the teaching of core academic subjects. It was created by the Partnership for 21st Century Learning (P21), a network of Battelle for Kids, with input from teachers, education experts, and business leaders. It focuses on the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in work, life, and citizenship in today's world.

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21st Century Learningcontent knowledge and 21st…learning and innovation…information, media, and…life and career skillscreativity and innovationcritical thinking and…communication and…information literacymedia literacyICT (information,…flexibility & adaptabilityinitiative & self…social & cross-cultural…productivity &…leadership &…think creativelywork creatively with…implement innovationsreason effectivelyuse systems thinkingmake judgments and…solve problemscommunicate clearlycollaborate with othersaccess and evaluate…use and manage informationanalyze mediacreate media productsapply technology…adapt to changebe flexiblemanage goals and timework independentlybe self-directed learnersinteract effectively with…work effectively in…manage projectsproduce resultsguide and lead othersbe responsible to others

Breakdown by Domain

Domain Key

  • Cognitive 30%
  • Emotion 6%
  • Social 20%
  • Values 36%
  • Perspectives 7%
  • Identity 1%

Key Features

Context & Culture

  • Provides online professional development that helps teachers develop strategies to reach diverse students
  • Acknowledges that learning occurs across all contexts, both in school and out, and from birth through career
  • Provides targeted resources for personal, work, and community environments
  • Outlines key characteristics of effective 21st century learning environments

Developmental Perspective

  • No information or learning progression provided

Associated Outcomes

  • No information provided

Available Resources

Support Materials

  • Summary documents with descriptions of framework and definitions
  • A self-assessment tool for measuring how well a school is implementing 21st century skills and identifying strategies for improvement
  • In-depth research reports on various skills in the framework
  • Videos showcasing best practices, examples of successful initiatives, lessons from the field, and more
  • Blog featuring insights/learnings from educators and experts
  • Guides/skill maps for integrating 21st century learning into key subject areas
  • Online and on-site professional development courses
  • Links to external resources related to skills in the framework such as articles, best practices, and activities, and more

Programs & Strategies

  • Outlines key characteristics of effective 21st century curriculum and instruction
  • General toolkits, guides, and videos for planning, implementing, and integrating 21st century learning initiatives into educational settings
  • Parent guides with tips and strategies
  • Provides links to external resources that include best practices, recommendations, and strategies or activities for promoting skills across three dimensions (learning and innovation skills; information, media, and technology skills; and 21st century interdisciplinary themes)

Measurement Tools

  • Outlines key characteristics of effective 21st century assessment systems
  • Includes example assessments and guidance on how to implement them

Key Publications